<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% set rsBanner = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rsBanner.ActiveConnection = MM_connDUbanner_STRING rsBanner.Source = "SELECT * FROM BANNERS " rsBanner.CursorType = 3 rsBanner.CursorLocation = 2 rsBanner.LockType = 1 rsBanner.Open() rsBanner_numRows = 0 'the following codes are added to rotate the banners: Dim rndMax rndMax = CInt(rsBanner.RecordCount) rsBanner.MoveFirst Dim rndNumber Randomize Timer rndNumber = Int(RND * rndMax) rsBanner.Move rndNumber 'end of codes. %> Outdoor Equipment Guide - Danner Sportsman
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Danner Sportsman

To go without good footgear is to go without comfort. I have been in nearly every weather condition. I have worn several types of footgear. I've been in places and wished I had worn a different pair of boots. You have to take care of your feet when enduring in outdoor activities. I have a suggestion for you, put on a pair of Danner boots when heading outside!

Danner has been around for some time. In fact, they've been making boots since about 1932. Over the years Danner has received several awards: the APMA seal of acceptance by the American Podiatric Medical Association, and the ISO 9002 certification. These awards support the fact that Danner makes great footgear!

If you are a regular reader of this web-site then you know by now that I love hunting. It's all I ever think about! So, it makes since that I would set out to find a good hunting boot. I did. The Danner Sportsman is an excellent boot. They met the most important standard. They smelled great right out of the box! I put them on my feet and found that they felt wonderful. Some boots just have a nice tough look to them. The Sportsman has not only the look but the feel as well.

The Sportsman was comfortable from the get-go. They have an all terrain sole which will prove worthy in most environments. They are made with a stitch down design and from waterproof leather. They are warm enough with the 400 gram Thinsulate and Gore-Tex bootie. This boot weighs about 68 ounces.

If you are looking for a great pair of boots for hunting in cooler weather I recommend the Sportsman. I found them to be useful. The main reason for this was that they allowed me not to have to think about them. If I am not having to think about my boots that means they are doing a good job. Check out the Danner homepage at http://www.danner.com. If you have questions concerning boots for any occasion give them a call and they can help you get what you are looking for.

By Justin Boyette