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The Foothill from Danner

Danner is one of those companies that have a name most people know. They have been turning out high performance boots for many years. Variety is the spice of life and Danner wants to make sure all of your outdoor flavors are covered. They now have a wide spectrum of boot styles and types. One of these is The Foothill.


The Foothill is a tough and aggressive boot. It resembles the old Sportsman, except that it's lighter, and uninsulated. This boot is perfect for hunting on the move. Spend all day chasing quail or even doves in this fine pair of rugged footwear.

The boot comes with a waterproof Gore-Tex Liner. I enjoy being able to slip and step into the river/creek without having to worry or be uncomfortable the rest of the day. The Vibram 1276 Sierra Outsole is ideal for rough terrain. The 2.0-2.2mm Waterproof Full-Grain Leather and 1000 Denier Cordura provide an excellent protective armor for your feet.

Though these boots are not insulated, I would like to point out that they still seem to hold the heat in very well. The Foothill is a well-rounded boot. Its good for any moderate condition and is very comfortable.

By: Justin Boyette